Detailed Listing Report

If you click 'View Detailed Report' you will be directed to a website that looks something like this: Here is some more information about each item in this report.

  1. The house icon with the checkbox lets you know we think this person is renting at your location.
  2. The Listing is the actual STR listing in question - depending on your subscription this could be anywhere from 1 to 3+ different sites.
  3. Our confidence is a qualitative scale to let you know how sure we are that this listing is in fact yours.  
  4. The Talos score generated for this listing.  More information on Talos can be found in the related article.
  5. The listing scores are our determination of the likelihood that this host is renting at your property - in this case by checking against the text of the listing and the images the host used for the listing.
  6. Distance is the calculated distance from the listing to your property.  Note that most STR companies obfuscate the exact location so this is an estimate.
  7. Host name is what the STR is allowing the host to show as their public name (may or may not be their actual name).
  8. The host scores are our determination of the likelihood that this host is renting at your property - in this case by checking against the name of the host (versus your resident directory or rent roll) and the images the host used for the host.
  9. Comments are snippets of real comments from our actual reviewers.
  10. Owner information will be provided (name and address) if applicable.
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