General Approach
Short term rentals are a known problem. They can create angry residents, increased maintenance costs, flat/falling ratings - all which causes you endless hours searching websites and no end in sight. Whether you allow rentals, regulate rentals, or outlaw rentals - it makes sense to have a tool to manage your property.
How does Property Guard do that? Over the course of 100,000 reviewed listings, we've created and curated criteria that are the most likely to expose hosts. We feed that back into our solution, which only learns and improves over time. However, no matter how good your solution is, nothing in 2020 can compare to a human's eyes. So we process thousands of listings and provide only the most likely to our trained professionals, who are spread out across the world to always be online. These men and women independently validate every listing twice just to ensure we are giving you the best possible information.
The result is a very simple report that you receive within 24 hours of any new listing, giving you all of the information you need to arm yourself to address the issue. Every week we'll also give you a summary of the traffic around your property. You can manage your entire property or portfolio from your inbox. If you'd rather take a more hands-on approach - feel free to log into our site and review all of the listings and criteria yourself. We also have online help and a resource center to guide you along the way.
The best way to reduce your short term rentals? Proactively warn them that they are being watched. Property Guard provides various digital and ready-for-print information that can be distributed to your residents letting them know that an army of professionals and years of purpose-built technology watching 24 hours a day, 366 days a year.