View Validated Images

Each property has a page that allows a user to view validated images for that property.  It will look something like below.

There are two options on this page:

1. Upload a jpeg image from your computer.  This is almost always of amenity or facility images that are known to be at the property.  When new properties are set up in the system, at least some images of that property are included here to seed the system.

2. Any validated listing will have at least one image.  Every image from every validated listing will appear on this page.  A user or admin can check (or uncheck) any number of images.  Any checked image is used to compare against all images for any new/potential listing.  So in the example above, a machine learning algorithm will compare every listing image for only the following two images:

Additional details on how this data is used can be found in a related article covering Talos, our proprietary system.

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