What if nobody can determine the host?

In case you didn't know, STR sites will fully validate the true identity of every host - this is for the protection of the guests.  However, they will allow the host to fully change their name and host picture - this is for the protection of the host.

So you will always find examples where it is known that a host is renting at your property but you do not know his or her address.  That is why we allow you to offload the hassle that is contacting the STR company, to us!  Just click the 'notify' button in any daily notification email and we will do the STR compliance on your behalf!

There are two options: notify the host or notify the STR (Airbnb in this example).  If you know the address of the host we can send them a letter directly.  We will try to populate as much of the address as we know but will rely on you to finalize the exact address.  In some cases there is no reliable way to determine the address: in this case you can press 'Airbnb' and we will contact Airbnb directly, on your behalf, about this specific listings.

In both cases the actions are only available in the emailed reports, not the online versions of the full report.

You can view any of your previous notifications in the Notifications tab on your dashboard.  Here is an example from a Demo account. Newer notifications will be USPS letters, which you can download for reference.

Also if you are interested in learning more about our '100% Guarantee' program where we will guarantee that we will find all hosts at your property, please reach out to us.

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