Rent Rolls

Rent rolls (also called resident directories) are how our algorithms and human staff compare the host on the STR to the residents at your property.  You are able to upload your rent roll to your own property via the 'Batch Upload Rent Roll' button on your main property page. Please make sure your CSV is formatted correctly with the first column containing only the name and the second column containing only the address. You do not need to provide column headers for the upload. The system will prompt you when formatted correctly. 

Note that the required format is very important. The first two columns are required for a successful upload and should contain the following data: Column 1 = Name | Colum 2 = Address. If formating and data differ from the required format you will receive an alert (seen below) before submitting. Please make the necessary adjustments and upload them again. 

Don't have a CSV?  Confused about the format?  No problem - just give us data in whatever format you have and we will upload it on your behalf!  The frequency of uploading new rent rolls varies by property location and type, but generally having it no more than 60 days old ensures that we have the most up-to-date data to assist you.

Where does this come into play?  When our machine learning algorithm scores each listing it will use rent roll name in a few places.  It is also used when our QA team is validating a property (as below example shows).

Note that the names, addresses, and property in this example have been changed for privacy considerations.

As you can see, any listings that could potentially be Joseph are pulled into the validation form and provided to you via your notification reports.

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